Features and functionality highlights
Container putaway rules & strategies
The system uses BI algorithms to determine what, where and when should happen on the container terminal. Which containers must be discharged from the ship and where those should be stacked, etc
Empty Container Depot
The SOLVO.TOS Depot module automates workflow for depots and increases warehouse throughput by optimizing container storage zone space while reducing overhead associated with additional personnel and CHE.
Real-time container storage zone management
Management and optimization of operations in the main container storage area, empty container depot, reefer-zone, CFS, etc
Document management
Easily generate and manage any documents such as bills of lading, CMRs, customer invoices, contracts and so on.
Real-time CHE control, routing and optimization
The system creates tasks to move containers and distributes these among CHE's, builds routes, and monitors task progress.
Gate and vehicle booking management
Solvo Gate management and vehicle booking functionality automates truck operations at the cargo terminal, including visit registration and corresponding documentation.
Empty Container Depot
The SOLVO.TOS Depot module automates workflow for depots and increases warehouse throughput by optimizing container storage zone space while reducing overhead associated with additional personnel and CHE.
Real-time container storage zone management
Management and optimization of operations in the main container storage area, empty container depot, reefer-zone, CFS, etc
Document management
Easily generate and manage any documents such as bills of lading, CMRs, customer invoices, contracts and so on.
Real-time CHE control, routing and optimization
The system creates tasks to move containers and distributes these among CHE's, builds routes, and monitors task progress.
Gate and vehicle booking management
Solvo Gate management and vehicle booking functionality automates truck operations at the cargo terminal, including visit registration and corresponding documentation.
Real-time rail operations management
The module automates rail operations planning and rail car processing at the container terminal.
External truck management
Enables automated control of external truck movement when waiting for processing.
Key Performance Indicators (KPI) dashboards
The KPI module graphically displays static and dynamic data regarding port and terminal operations in real-time.
Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)
The electronic data interchange (EDI) module is intended for automated electronic exchange of data between the cargo terminal and its stakeholders and shipping lines, in particular.
Interaction with state authorities
The module for interaction with state authorities is used for registering embargoes set by various government agencies (customs, border control, veterinary control, etc.) on container operations.
'Multi-site' management
Allows to manage remote sites from a single location.
ERP & Accounting System Integration
Universal gateway developed by SOLVO supports data exchange between WMS and CIS via WEB-service technology.