Visit our stand to get an insight on all new Solvo.TOS 6.x concept after Solvo.TOS Container and Solvo.TOS General Cargo were successfully merged to form a unified platform for all cargo types.
Features all-new WEB interface, new built-in stowage planning and equipment optimization module, block-train management, berth planning, KPI dashboards, resource planning and much more.
Join the Operating Smarter (TOS) session at Tech Talk
18th June 3:30 PM – 5:00 PM

We will be speaking on:
Cutting-edge technology to help boost container terminal operations efficiency: vessel and rail planning, yard optimization and gate management. Based on case studies in the Antwerp Euro Terminal (AET) operated by Grimaldi Lines and Novosibirsk rail terminal.
What factors affect TOS implementation complexity at the multipurpose facilities:
- Specialized container ships, ConRo, on-board ship cranes etc
- Is yard and CHE optimization real needed or is this just a good-to-have fancy feature
- Automated block train identification and tracking
- Block-train scheduling
- Gate optimization: how to save if OCR is just a bit too early to think of?
- STS vs mobile crane optimization efficiency
Daniil Pershin, Director of Marketing and PR, Solvo LLC
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