SOLVO held its third International Client Conference “Solvo.TOS. Current and Future Development Prospects” on May 30-31 in Saint Petersburg, Russia.
This year, the conference was attended by port and terminal representatives from different countries: Russia, Angola, UK, Germany, Netherlands, Ukraine, Latvia, Estonia, and more.
The conference was tied to the release of the sixth version of Solvo.TOS, which resulted in the unification of two previously independent management systems: one for processing general cargo and the other for containers.
The unified system, created based on the new service-oriented architecture 4.0 received a new WEB-interface, Android-device support, and a series of new modules, whose capabilities were demonstrated by SOLVO experts at the event.
Among these were the unified cargo plan for universal vessels and any type of cargo, new capabilities for processing and planning rail operations (express container trains etc.), new API for integration with various third-party systems.
The latest version of Solvo.TOS was launched into commercial operation at one of the biggest terminals at the port of Antwerp, Belgium - Antwerp Euro Terminal, belonging to Grimaldi Lines.
The project implementation results were presented at the conference together with SOLVO’s partner company HPC Hamburg Port Consulting (HHLA group).
SOLVO also presented other solutions with its partners including:
· Panasonic Business presented an Android-based mobile solution called Panasonic FZ-B2 for tallymen and acceptance agents.
· VISY presented the Visy AREA solution for tracking equipment at the terminal without data capture terminals, RFiD, GPS - only using surveillance cameras.
· Announced a joint solution for imitation modelling of the container terminal state based on the AnyLogic system.
This year, the event venue was the biggest loft-style conference hall at the Vvedensky hotel. The business part of the program was broadcasted on the SOLVO Youtube channel allowing anyone to watch the speaker presentations online.
The second day of the conference was an excursion to the biggest cargo terminal of Saint Petersburg – Petrolesport (joint enterprise of Global Ports and APM Terminal), which became SOLVO’s client last year.
Representatives of Petrolesport gave a tour of the area where various types of cargo is processed: containers, metal, Ro-Ro, general cargo etc. The company talked about its future plans for development and process automation with SOLVO.
SOLVO would like to thank everyone who took part in the third “Solvo.TOS Client Conference: Current and Future Development Prospects” for taking the time to visit us! We’re looking forward to seeing you again at future events.