SOLVO is proud to announce the official release of its WEB and Android apps, which graphically display and track statistical and dynamic data at a logistics facility. The app is available in three versions:
In developing the application, SOLVO experts focused on industry best practices including WERC (Warehousing Education and Research Council, US), as well as the fundamental principles of the leading Fraunhofer Institute for Material Flow and Logistics, based in Germany.
The ability to track and control processes in real-time using the KPI app, helps solve a series of managerial problems. In result, the time required to create reports and assess performance is reduced, productivity and transparency are increased, while new opportunities for boosting employee productivity are provided.
Tracking warehouse productivity in real-time from any location with internet access.
Monitoring of completed jobs based on KPI value and “traditional” indicators (number of lines, etc.).
Performance indicators for individual workers by speciality, zone and shift.
Performance indicators for specific processes, for example, order assembly depending on zone and applied technologies (e.g. voice-picking, data capture terminals).
The user works with the KPI module via the graphic interface from the web page or right from the Android app. The KPI module has a mobile version and supports KPI touch screens (for all-in-one desktops and notebooks with touchscreens). The main program window presents a “sample panel” where the user can pin their preferred indicators. For convenience, the user panel consists of tabs, similar to a web browser.
The graphical elements include: graph, circle diagram, histogram, table, clock and date, as well as a unite process indicators and more. Any indicator, whether a table or diagram, can be exported into Excel as well as filtered by specific criteria. It is possible to export the tab in its entirety, presenting the tables on several pages, as well as only the selected indicators.
Accessibility to indicators and module functionality is determined by user access rights. For example, the system administrator can prohibit the user from editing indicators, restrict visibility for certain KPI’s. Each user works in the module under their own account. All changes are saved automatically to prevent the risk of data loss
Currently, the user can access from 30 to 50 basic indicators by default depending on the type of object, thought the list can be expanded based on client demand.
Order processing time at the warehouse;
Quantity of processed and shipped orders for a period;
Picking speed in units/hour by zone/CHE/worker;
Quantity of picked and shipped cartons/pallets/containers (labor hours);
Inventory stock and others.
Berth Productivity
Quay Crane Productivity
Number of lifts per vessel hour
Currently, the KPI application works only with Solvo.WMS and Solvo.TOS. Third-party platform support is planned for the near future.
The application has successfully passed validation by the Fraunhofer Institute for Material Flow and Logistics within the scope of the annual validation of the Solvo.WMS system.
The advantages of implementing the KPI module are evident as all process participants benefit from its realization. Managers receive an easy to use tool to control operations based on key indicators. Workers are motivated to work more efficiently per shift. While the warehouse client is guaranteed a higher quality of service.