SOLVO together with its partner iVoice launched a joint project in January 2018 to implement voice-picking technology at a distribution center of the Moscow Brewing Company.
The Moscow Brewing Company has been keeping pace with innovation in the logistics industry, striving to implement the latest technologies for optimizing operations.
It is expected that the new voice technology project implemented at its warehouse will reduce picking times as well as possibility of error. Voice technology makes it possible to perform picking hands-free with the same, if not better accuracy. With voice, it become significantly easier and faster to receive information about goods, locations and other data required for picking, without any additional skills or having to stop for entering or reading information.
To implement this technology, SOLVO recommended a solution from one of its key partners Lydia, the German “topsystem Systemhaus GmbH” company (iVoice - official representative in Russia) one of the leading companies on the warehouse voice technology market.
Among the reasons for choosing Lydia is its support of third-party voice equipment and that it does not require any special training. The system is ready to recognize any voice, language and other voice-related idiosyncrasies. Moreover, helping the Moscow Brewing Company decide on the given solution was a special pilot test that demonstrated the effectiveness of the system in action.
Right now, SOLVO and iVoice are rolling out 2 VOXTER ELITE V7 devices for everyday use and capturing data on carton-picking, as well as adapting voice scenarios to company requirements.
The company also plans to use voice technology for inventory in the near future. If testing is successful and productivity increases by 25-30%, it plans to fully transition the carton picking area to using a total of 16 voice terminals.
Additionally, other Moscow Brewing Company projects underway include automation of the narrow-aisle rack zone with semi-automatic forklifts, which was recently established to replace stack storage, as well as integration of Solvo.WMS with conveyor equipment, which will automate processes of putting away pallets from production lines to the storage area.
Previously, the Moscow Brewing Company implemented the latest version of the Solvo.WMS warehouse management system. Following successful results, the company’s employees scaled the SOLVO WMS to another facility using Solvo’s “Remote warehouse” solution, which makes it possible to support operations of multiple independent warehouse under one system to simplify administrative operations as well as reduce costs related to server equipment and software licensing.