Breakbulk Media & Events: Why Solvo.TOS 6.0 is 'A Major Release'
Breakbulk Media & Events: Why Solvo.TOS 6.0 is 'A Major Release'
18 October 2018
Watch the live video interview with Dan Pershin, head of marketing at Solvo, from Break Bulk Europe Event where SOLVO officially announced the release of its latest Solvo.TOS 6.0 terminal operating system.
Solvo.TOS 6.0: A ‘Major Release’
The new 6.0 version marks a leap forward for SOLVO with marketing director, Daniel Pershin, calling it a “major release” due to new unified system architecture.
“Whereas before we had different systems - one for containers only, another for breakbulk and so on, now we merged two systems into one comprehensive solution that supports all kinds of cargo, such as containers to breakbulk, project cargo, bulk, you name it,” Pershin explained in an interview with Breakbulk Media.
What’s more, the new software also is “completely web-based,” according to Pershin who describes Solvo’s latest TOS platform as now having “service-oriented” focus with the ability to support new modules such as unified vessel stowage planning.
“This new system makes the lives of planners much, much easier,” he adds.
Unified and In the Cloud
Pershin hinted why Solvo.TOS 6.0 has a new architecture, focusing on web-based services, when asked where the breakbulk industry can expect in 5 to 10 years.
“I expect in 5 years from now, everything will be cloud-based,” he continued. “Everything is moving towards one unified platform that would offer all these systems as a service: ERP, Enterprise asset management, terminal operating system, billing.”
Pershin believes that a web-based, one-stop-shop for software services is the future, in which terminal clients can simply choose and install services much like ‘apps’ that will all be interoperable and supported by the wider ecosystem.
“All you’ll need to do to install a new system at your terminal is to browse the vendor website and sign-up for a monthly plan, for example. Right away you’ll be able to use software-as-a-service. In other words, it’ll be faster, cheaper and more accessible.”