Over the course of the Intermodal Europe 2013 international exhibition and conference, which was held from October 8
th to the 10
th in Hamburg, Germany,
SOLVO met and signed a partnership agreement with Emerson Climate Technologies.
The given agreement will enable
SOLVO to raise its status as a system integrator and a pioneer of the latest technologies.
Now, in addition to the Solvo.TOS system, SOLVO is ready to offer its container terminal and port clients the latest Ref-monitoring system, Refcon. One of the features in the Solvo.TOS automated port and terminal management system is ref-yard management. Solvo.TOS issues jobs to the reefer mechanic for connecting and disconnecting REF-containers. In turn, the reefer mechanic will connect or disconnect the REF-container from the power supply. At this moment, a signal is sent from the electrical grid to the Emerson Refcon system.
Benefits of integrating Solvo.TOS and the Refcon Ref-monitoring system:
The operator receives a flash alert if an emergency alarm is activated on any connected ref-container. This makes it possible to take preventative measures for the given container and save the cargo.
REFCON constantly checks the status of all ref-installations and immediately alerts the user in the event of any changes. Moreover, the system will detect any type of common errors such as: “incorrect temperature mode,” “Ref-installation not connected to network” and “Container ID incorrect or missing.”